Songwriters of
North America

Our Songs.
Our Rights.
Our future.

Songwriters of North America. We defend songwriters.

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Lend Your Voice to SONA

When you become a member of SONA, our collective voice becomes louder and stronger.

Invest in your career by supporting our advocacy. Our community fights to maintain the value of your songs.

Stay informed. The music industry is rapidly evolving. Stay up-to-date on the latest issues impacting writers and composers.

Gain community. Get access to our mission-driven events, meet your fellow songwriters, and advocate for your community.

Get membership benefits. Get discounts to businesses that want to support your career as a songwriter.

Join SONA at our next event!

SONA puts on programming throughout the year that include guest speakers, community building events, information sessions on advocacy issues, and more. Become a SONA member to access these events for free.


2024 SONA Warrior Awards

Songwriters of North America is proud to host the 2024 SONA Warrior Awards, where we celebrate songwriters and music executives...

In-Person, October 6, 2024


SONA Needs You

There are multiple ways to support SONA, through volunteer opportunities, donation, and more. Click below to explore the ways in which you can become a part of our community and support artists’ rights.

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What we’re talking about at SONA

Get the latest news, advocacy issues, songwriter resources, and more in the SONA blog.

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SONA amplifying songwriter voices with key new advocacy leadership positions

News, January 25, 2024

SONA amplifying songwriter voices with key new advocacy leadership positions

From L to R: Michelle Lewis (CEO, SONA/The SONA Foundation), Kellie Brown (COO, SONA//The SONA Foundation), Linda Bloss-Baum (Government Affairs...

Story of SONA

Advocacy, December 30, 2023

Story of SONA

Story of SONA

From our humble beginnings in 2015 to becoming a powerhouse advocate for songwriters, here’s a glimpse into what makes us...

Asking For A Friend: Song Registration and PRO Advice

Education, September 1, 2023

Asking For A Friend: Song Registration and PRO Advice

Asking For A Friend: Song Registration and PRO Advice

QUESTION: Why am I not seeing performance royalties for my songs in ads, concert tours, or other categories? ANSWER: Excellent...

5 things you can do to support queer songwriters

Education, June 30, 2023

5 things you can do to support queer songwriters

5 things you can do to support queer songwriters

We loved hearing some incredible nuggets of insight from our panelist Jai Yoko on embracing individuality and respecting diversity. Thank...

Songwriters: You may be owed money! Here’s how to get it

Education, June 29, 2023

Songwriters: You may be owed money! Here’s how to get it

Songwriters: You may be owed money! Here’s how to get it

Subscribe to the newsletter QUESTION: How can I make sure I receive my share of the hundreds of millions of...


Let’s Chat!

Questions? Get in touch with us by filling out the contact form below. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.