
The Power Of The #MusicArmy

November 8, 2018




by SONA Steering Co

The Power Of The #MusicArmy


Did you hear? The Music Modernization Act passed in October! Let’s rewind a few months, back to those heady days when the MMA sailed through both a House and Senate Judiciary vote with nothing but praise and bi-partisan love. We were warned to harbor no illusions about what could happen before the final hurdle, a full Senate vote. We were nervous. Turns out for good reason.

Bombs started being lobbed at the bill by hostile forces in mid-summer and did not relent until literally the day before the vote.

 What nobody saw coming (including us) was the power of the #MusicArmy. When a parade of well-funded opponents to the Music Modernization Act began banging on doors in Washington DC, songwriters mobilized, online and on the ground, to quickly smack down and vaporize the threats, whack-a-mole style. Make no mistake, songwriters saved this legislation. YOU did this. With your engagement, knowledge of the issues, and thousands of sharp, hilariously mean tweets. MVP goes to SONA’s new BFF, Ross Golan, for being both general and warrior and getting everyone fired up. Seriously, what a badass.

 Let’s never forget how effective we are when we fight side-by-side. Because as we are now learning, the MMA was just the opening band. The big headliner fights and opportunities are still to come, and Michelle will touch on some of those in the legislative update below.

Thanks for all you do to help preserve our beloved songwriting profession.

In Solidarity,

Your SONA Steering Committee

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